Jesus is condemned to Death

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you. 
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

Because of your cross you have saved the world. Pilate sentences Jesus for crimes that he (Pilate) doesn't really know or care about. Lord that I may know and understand that in going to your death you were saving me.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father

Jesus is condemned to Death

Jesus receives His Cross

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

The Romans hand Jesus His Cross to carry through the streets in humiliation for His Crime. His carrying of His Cross should remind us of the Suffering we cause Him as we go through our life. Lord that I may know and understand that by sinning against you and my neighbour I am adding weight to that Cross. Forgive me for adding to it and help me to overcome my desire to do wrong.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus receives His Cross

Jesus falls the First Time

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

As Jesus carries His Cross the weight becomes too much even for Him. As we see Jesus fall it reminds us of how our weakness makes us fall into sin and how we need the help of Jesus to stand again and continue on my journey. Lord that I may know and understand that your falling is part of my shame.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father

Jesus falls the First Time

Jesus meets His Mother

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

It must be the hardest of all meetings for Mary and Jesus. She comes to see her Son walking to His death. The words between a mother and her son are the most private, but in this meeting, she tells him that His/Our Father would be proud of the sacrifice as it will take away the sins of the world. Lord that I may know and understand how to be part of your sacrifice.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus meets His Mother

Simon of Cyrene helps to carry the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

Simon was enlisted to carry the cross with Jesus, partly because the Roman did not want him to die on the way. Simon is a passerby and wants nothing to do with this, but he is made to help Jesus. Are we willing to be like Simon of Cyrene and help to unburden Jesus of that Cross. Lord that I may know and understand that as I give up my sinful ways they help to carry with you the Cross of Salvation.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Simon of Cyrene helps to carry the Cross

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

Veronica comes to the aid and support of Jesus to wipe away the tears, blood and sweat from His face. As He carries the heavy weight of the Cross He tires and this chance meeting gives Him comfort and gives us, along with Veronica, the chance to wipe our souls clean of the grime and dirt our sins have caused. 

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father...

Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Jesus falls a Second Time

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

The weight of the Cross has become too much once again and Jesus tumbles to the ground a second time. It will not be the last time our sinfulness will cause Jesus to fall, but it is through His perseverence and love for me that He will get up again and continue His journey. Lord that I may know and understand how to be the better person who repents of my sinfulness.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus falls a Second Time

Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

Jesus meets these women who are crying for their sadness that Jesus is being led to an ignominious death. But Jesus' words to them "Weep not for me but for your children" gives us the courage to know that Jesus is looking forward to being their salvation and the salvation of their children. We, like the women, come to meet Jesus in our hour of need and we need to hear with them that Jesus is going to save us, but it is out of compassion and love for us as the children of God that He goes to His fate as the Father says he would.

Our Father.... Hal Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem

Jesus Falls the Third Time

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

The Lord Jesus cured the sick, healed the lame, and came to the aid of the crippled. Now in His agony, He falls a third time for the weight of my sins. Falling beneath the Cross you know the pain and misery of those who are lost to sinfulness and sorrow. Lord that I may know and understand how to accept and overcome my weakness and pain so that I may live in your presence forever. 

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus Falls the Third Time

Jesus is stripped of His garments

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

The Roman soldiers took pleasure in the indignity of Jesus being stripped of His clothing. He stands almost nake before them. Stripped of everything He still makes no plea for mercy, a mercy He showed to all who came to Him - even a Roman Centurian. The Roman soldiers stand in our place and continue to degrade Him and mock Him with insults and spittle. Lord that I may know and understand that my sin, my anger, my spitefulness strips you, but God has asked you to take upon yourself the degradation of this moment. Lord that I may know and understand how to lift myself out of this mire that my sins have encased me in, with your help give me strenght.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus is stripped of His garments

Jesus is nailed to the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

After carrying His Cross, Jesus came to the Place of the Skull. There they crucified Him and two others with Him When Jesus arrives at the place they nail Him to the Cross as the final act of degradation and punishment. As they hammer the nails in all my sin and wanton desire hammer that nail in further to keep Him there. We have shown that we prefer darkness to light and so the sound of the nails makes us realise that a good man is indeed a rare thing to find and that one died upon a Cross for the salvation of ME. Lord that I may know and understand once again the great love you have for me so that I too may walk in your footsteps and give myself for others.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father

Jesus is nailed to the Cross

Jesus Dies on the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

After all His suffering and pain on the journey from Pilate's dwellings to the Place of the Skull Jesus Dies on the Cross. But His death is not the end - it is the beginning. The reading of the 1st Chapters of Genesis and John show us that Jesus as the Word of God was there when the world began and now through His death the new beginning of Resurrection will take place. Lord that I may know and understand your all that you did for love of me and help me go out and preach your message of Eternal Redemption.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus Dies on the Cross

Jesus is taken down from the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

 "Lord Jesus Christ, you emptied yourself accepting death, even death on a Cross". Trusting and obedient in your Father's goodness and will you went to the death that was foretold for you by all the prophets of the Old Testament. Now through the power that God has given you, you come to the rescue and restoration of humanity to the greatest love that God has for us. In Genesis God said, "Let us make man in our own image" - now you have brought humanity back to God. Lord that I may know and understand how I am a child of God and how I resemble the goodness of God if only I will be one with you.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Jesus is laid in the Tomb

We adore you O Christ and we Bless you.
Because of your cross, you have saved the world.

In life Jesus carried the people who came to Him, now His friends and followers carry Him to the tomb that they thought would be His end. But Jesus will break the bonds of the tomb and of death and rise in glory to be the beginning and the end - the Alpha and Omega. Lord that I may know and understand that your death and resurrection are for me the opening to a new life in your presence. Help me to overcome my sins and bring me to accept that your are the only one who can save me and that this world holds no reward for me.

Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father....

Jesus is laid in the Tomb